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Bethlehem Burners’ signature modular valves are engineered with precision needles to provide flame workers with smooth and precise fuel adjustments. Replacement valves are available for the Alpha, Bravo, Champion, and Grand torch models. Replacement valves come with 2x Socket head screws and your choice of hose connection and cap size.

Please Note: Replacement Valves do not come with attached hose.

Not sure which Replacement valve to choose? Please visit our Resources Page to learn which valve type will work best for your New Generation Bethlehem Burners stainless steel flame-working torch.

Need a replacement valve for a discontinued Bethlehem Burners flame-working torch? Please call (610) 838-7034 and talk with one of our helpful staff members.



Alpha Valves

Alpha Valve Diagrams

Champion Valves

Champion Valve Diagrams

Bravo Valves

Bravo Valve Diagrams

Grand Valves

Grand Valve Diagrams