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Bethlehem Burners Announces New Pricing Adjustment for Alpha and Bravo Torches

To ensure quality control, Bethlehem’s Bravo torch, pictured above, will now be sold for $860.00

HELLERTOWN, PA- Bethlehem Burners, a manufacturer of surface-mixed glass working torches, has announced increased pricing for their low-pressure Alpha and Bravo lampworking torches. The adjusted pricing reflects increased market costs required to ensure quality control during the manufacturing of torches, and findings from the company’s market and cost structure research since the torches’ release two years ago.

“Research conducted since our torches arrival on the market two years ago has helped us adjust our cost structure to produce our newest line of torches,” stated Rachel Lawrence, Marketing Director at Bethlehem Burners. “To ensure continued quality of our products, we have increased prices of our Alpha and Bravo torches.”

Bethlehem Burners’ smallest torch, the Alpha, will be listed at a price of $187, while the larger Bravo lampworking torch will be listed at a price of $860. Distributor discounts will remain consistent with current schedules.

“Quality is paramount to us at Bethlehem Burners,” said Lawrence. “We are not going to sacrifice quality when it comes to our torches.”

For more information concerning Alpha and Bravo pricing adjustments, please contact Bethlehem Burners, or call Rachel Lawrence at (610) 838-7034. To learn more about Bethlehem Burners products or events, visit the company’s website at or official Facebook page